Think back to the last major conflict you encountered whether with a colleague, friend or family member. Were you able to handle differences of opinion effectively and maintain a peaceful environment? This can be extremely challenging, especially when “hot buttons” are pushed. Worse yet, when left unresolved, disagreements can waste enormous amounts of time and…
Category: Uncategorized
Time Out! The Servant Leader
Time Out! Many of you know I grew up on a farm in central Pennsylvania. While I chose early in life not to make agriculture my vocation, my sister, Audrey Gay Rodgers, did select agriculture — with a twist — for her life’s work. She has the Hameau Farm Camp for girls where every summer girls ages 8-14 experience…
Three Steps to Summon Your Self-Confidence
Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.” This quote is famous because it highlights the psychological impacts of our thoughts and beliefs. Essentially, we may have the abilities necessary to attain a goal, but if we don’t actually believe that we have them, we won’t be able to use…
Three Tips to Put Your Networking Fears to Rest
Networking effectively is important to succeed in any line of business, yet many people fear putting themselves into uncharted waters and meeting unfamiliar faces. Think back to the last networking event you attended, perhaps it was a conference or new product launch party. Did you look new faces in the eyes as you spoke and…
Three Questions to Ask When Developing a Personal Brand Statement
Dale Carnegie was a pioneer of personal branding long before a ‘personal brand statement’ was officially coined. Since everyone can be recognized by their unique strengths, abilities and passions, these attributes comprise a personal brand statement. Having a strong personal brand statement is vital to staying competitive whether you use it to land an…
Five Steps to Stay Motivated When You’re Exhausted
We all have ‘off’ days from time to time. Whether you didn’t get enough sleep or aren’t excited about what you need to accomplish on any given day, here are five steps to staying motivated so you can get the job done. First visualize your goal and document the reasons for attaining it. Sometimes getting started…
Time Out!
September 26, 2017. For many, it’s just another day of the year. For me, it represents 57 years of living, 50 years of a faith walk, 40 years in business, 35 years of marriage, 32 years in the Dale Carnegie Training business, 30 years as a father, 16 years as a Dale Carnegie Franchisee, 9…
Three Study Habits to Cultivate in Your Career
Whether you were a stellar student during your school years or not, here are three study habits worth applying to grow your success in the workplace. Trade absolute thinking for a positive mindset. Dale Carnegie said, “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes…
Time Out!
“Everybody wins when a leader gets better.” This compelling declaration came from Bill Hybels in the first few minutes of his opening remarks at the 2017 Global Leadership Summit, and I got ten times the value of my investment with that simple, yet powerful thought. For the last 30 years, the reason I have gotten…
Four Tips for Tackling Team Optimization
Drive your team to success by applying one or more of these teamwork tips. Tackle team structure first. First and foremost, it’s critical to assemble an ideal team. In Jim Collins’ best-selling book, Good to Great, the author implores, “If we get the right people on the bus, the right people in the right seats, and the wrong…