Time out!
Do you have followers? Do you have the right followers? What I mean is followers who make a difference to your organization, to the communities in which they belong, and to the families in which they live.
Almost 30 years ago as a young sales representative for Dale Carnegie, an owner of a business said something to me that I have never forgotten. He said, “Johnny, if in our community, I can help make better little league coaches, Brownie scout leaders, school board members, mothers, and fathers, all who are current and future leaders in my 800-employee company, we (his company) will be just fine.”
Leaders must have followers. Servant leaders want to be useful and helpful to their followers so they can be of better service to their success. The question I get asked is where does one get started in becoming a servant leader? The answer is right where you are. Creating followership in your homes and communities is the best training to become a giant leader in your profession.
I dare you!
John Rodgers