Negative stress and excessive worry lead to all the wrong things in life. Without question, stress affects what we think, which drives what we feel. This, in turn, controls our behaviors, which directly influences our outcomes and goals. When we’re stressed, it’s no wonder we make poor business decisions, sabotage our marriages, create challenges with our children, disconnect with extended family, and can’t get along with neighbors or co-workers. It makes us sick and keeps us sicker longer.
Have you also noticed how sometimes stress sneaks up on you? Before long, many of us find ourselves in a rut. OK – enough of the harsh reality. How do we prepare to conquere our worries and fears?
First, it is solely our choice. I understand it’s perhaps easier said than done, depending on your season of life. Regardless, you get to choose. Second, by choosing to remain stressed, you cannot be as helpful to others, which directly impacts your ability to lead. Hmmm…being stressed out and worried is one of the most selfish things you can do. In fact, when you are most stressed out, more often than not you are thinking solely about yourself and not others.
Here is one BIG tip from Dale Carnegie who got it from studying the wisdom of ancient writings and from observing people from all walks of life: Create happiness for others.
John Rodgers