We talk a lot about how to be successful, be a good leader and make a change in the world and in your future. Dale Carnegie has left many wise messages on how to communicate, how to relate to people and how to create good habits. So with that in mind, it’s always intriguing to read what other people consider good habits to create a successful and productive day.
James Reinhart’s infographic on 5 morning rituals struck us as helpful because of how practical (and quick!) his recommendations are. While we like all 5 steps, here are two you can start right now and see the results of:
1. 7 minutes of exercise in the morning.
No, we are not going to turn into your personal trainer and tell you all the exercises you “should” do or “need” to be doing right now. We aren’t going to talk about your weight goal or BMI. However, 7 minutes of exercise is a great way to start the day because it’s not too much of a time commitment but it is, as Reinhart so eloquently puts it, “ long enough to shake off any residual sluggishness from the night before — including that extra glass of wine.”
2. Pick 3 Wins for the day.
Finding three things to celebrate each day is an amazing habit to help take the sting of failure away and to keep perspective. “Worry vanishes when I keep my mind open to the many blessings I possess.” Dale Carnegie knew what he was talking about, and it seems Reinhart understands the value of focusing on the positive. This shift in mindset can and will absolutely result in more efficient and effective living. You won’t be so bogged down by any failure or negative interactions.
Ready to tackle all 5 tasks? Visit the article here: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/230734
This post is brought to you by the good folks at Dale Carnegie Training of Western and Central PA, providers of professional development and management development courses and information in Pennsylvania. We would love to connect with you on Facebook and Twitter @dalecarnegiepa.
Photo credit: freedigitalphotos.net/Ambro