To truly succeed on a day-to-day basis, think of yourself as stretchable, expandable, and able to adapt to anything new. After all, who wants to view themselves as static, inflexible, and unable to adapt? Periods of change are unpredictable, and we may be asked to adapt to changes that we never anticipated. In order to stay flexible, follow these guidelines from your friends at Dale Carnegie Training of Central and Western PA:
1. Set short-term goals — It is best during changing times to think ahead, but not too far ahead. Focus on goals and tasks that can be achieved in the immediate future. That way you can achieve measurable and motivating results, even if the change plan is altered in some way. Instead of abandoning your efforts because of changing priorities, complete your short-terms goals and move on.
2. Work in intense bursts of activity — Some people call this the “blitz mentality.” Complete tasks with intense periods of creative output, which produces concrete results. That way you’ll have measurable outcomes that motivate and inspire you to continue your work and, in the process, better engage change.
3. Focus on team efforts — Teams are in a constant state of changing responsibilities and deadline. By aligning ourselves with others who are aiming at similar goals, we create the opportunity for flexibility in achieving results. We become more focused on others and less likely to retreat into our own comfort zone. We gain motivation and inspiration from the other members of the team, making us more likely to successfully play a leadership role.
4. Plan for possible change scenarios — The most important strategy for staying flexible during change is to prepare for various change scenarios. If you create a plan for each possible set of change circumstances, you are prepared to engage change in any way that affects you in the workplace. This gives you more flexibility, greater confidence, and makes you more likely to be successful in leading change without authority.
This post is brought to you by the good folks at Dale Carnegie Training of Western and Central PA, providers of professional development and management development courses and information in Pennsylvania. We would love to connect with you on Facebook and Twitter @dalecarnegiepa.
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