If the idea of learning something new makes you cringe, it’s time for a mindset shift. You don’t have to go back to college, and you don’t have to sit in front of a boring textbook reading the same sentence over and over because you keep getting distracted. There are so many ways to grow…
Tag: Learning
Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills
When identifying the skills you possess, you’ll probably notice that some are tangible and some are more abstract. And guess what — both are important! When employers are searching for new talent, they will likely be looking for a good balance of the two. Likewise, the best employers will also be looking for training and…
How Great Leaders Handle Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. This is something we accept in theory, but when it comes to our leaders, the lines are a little blurry. This is probably due to how some leaders tend to handle their mistakes. When the ego gets in the way, mistakes are covered up, ignored, or blamed on others. This kind of…
Leading Authentically
It seems like being yourself should be the easiest thing in the world to do, but it is often the most difficult for people, especially in leadership. Pretending to be someone different than yourself often feels safe, it protects you from being exposed, from the possibility that people will not like you, but it can…
Breeding Success From Failure
Dale Carnegie was no stranger to the concept of breeding success from failure. In fact, it’s a principle still shared with students today. He said that failure is not meant to stop you, but rather, failure is there to help you go further. Therefore you must learn how to use said failure as a stepping…
Stories from the Classroom
Dale Carnegie knew that turning a lesson into a story was the best way to convince an audience of his ideas. While his easy-to-implement advice is the backbone of his best-selling books, the heart and soul of them are the tales of how his tactics have transformed lives. Although it has been 83 years since…