Coaching Question: This week, are you leading more from level 4 & 5, or are you stuck in 2 & 3? My challenge to all leaders is to choose to become more of a level 4 & 5 leader. It produces long term, sustainable results in your team. You will sell more, millennials and…
Tag: Blog
Time Out!
A basic tenet in the development, coaching, and training business is that the most important decision we make every day is our attitude. It is a choice we get to make every moment of every hour of each day. Nobody can take that away from us; it lies at the core of believing we can…
Three Reasons and Ways to Stop Overworking
Although technology has enabled employees’ efficiency to excel in many ways, being constantly plugged-in can equate to never officially clocking out. Here are three reasons and ways to stop overworking. Overworking makes mistakes more likely. If you tend to work through lunch, stay late most evenings and/or work from home during ‘off’ hours, the tendency…
Time Out!
Teaching physicians say they could teach a medical student – perhaps anybody – in 15 minutes, how to operate on and remove an appendix. There is actually a game on the Internet to teach you how to operate on an appendix. (Isn’t the Internet great!) However, while the physicians claim 15 minutes to teach you…
Boost Your Productivity by Breaking These Four Bad Habits
Break these four bad habits to pump up your productivity. Waking up without a morning routine. Rushing through the morning can have negative consequences on your sense of emotional well-being and overall productivity. Without a morning routine, it’s easy to skip important activities such as meditating, working out, and worse yet—skipping breakfast. Starting your day…
Time Out!
Welcome to September — the end of summer and the beginning of football season. For millions of students, a new academic school year brings new learning, new friends, new opportunities, and new challenges. Although it is up to everyone individually to make the most out of what’s new, many of us resist new ideas or…
The Right Way to Say ‘No’ to Your Boss
Are you comfortable saying, “no” to your boss? It’s important to be a team player, however if your boss continuously piles new projects on your plate, inevitably you will have to delay other work or worse yet, not complete the request at all—which will reflect poorly on you. The ability to say “no” is a…
Labor Day Lessons—The Residual Impacts of Employee Recognition
As leaders and organizations seek strategies to attract and retain top talent, many overlook one of the most basic and easily executed strategies—employee recognition. Shockingly, only one in three workers in the U.S. strongly agree that they received recognition or praise for doing good work in the past seven days according to a recentGallup poll….
Time Out!
Generational issues kept coming up in my discussions with executives over the past two weeks. One organization actually asked me to give a talk with the title being “Knowing the Threat!” Their concern – as communications break down between their baby bombers and millennials – was they fear the “brain drain” because boomers are retiring…
The Four R’s of an Olympian Mindset
The 2016 Summer Olympics are a reminder that the ability to bounce back from setbacks is a key characteristic of top performers. Dale Carnegie said, “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” Here are four…