I had a great time in Virginia this weekend watching my nephew play baseball. Mark is 11, and he plays for a traveling baseball team called the Bombers. I had to smile, quite an impressive name for an 11 year old traveling baseball team in the heart of Virginia to live up to. They played…
Time Out!
A kick in the gut is how I felt Monday evening when I was informed of the bombings in Boston. Then my thoughts went to family, friends and business associates who live in or near Boston, or who might have been running in the Boston Marathon. I am thankful no one who I knew was…
Time Out!
“The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.” – Albert Einstein A friend who owns a small local sporting goods store in up-state New York shared with me that Dick’s Sporting Goods was opening a store two blocks away from his this fall. He…
Time Out!
All work teams are in process; they never stay the same. The old adage is that every day we are either growing or dying, and it is true with people, organizations, and with teams. In my 25 years working in the Dale Carnegie business, I have come across flashes of teams who operated at Stage…
Time Out!
I heard a speaker this week say, “stop trying to work so hard in making things stay the same or maintaining the status quo.” Hmmm…think with me just for a minute from the different life areas – people performance from a development perspective, customer interaction from a sales perspective, our faith practices and our beliefs…
Time Out!
I survived and I remain in the black! My yearly pilgrimage to Las Vegas to speak to the National Limousine Association was successful and as always, filled with tremendous personal learning. If you own a couple of cars, buses, a large truck or anything that carries humans, you might consider joining the 6,000 members of…
Time Out!
It was a simple idea. Everyone at the conference table loved it. They all shook their heads in agreement because it made so much sense. Then afterwards nothing happened and everyone pointed at each other as the reason why the idea died. Have you been there? Leadership is hard enough, but when it is required…
Team dynamics… what is really going on?
Yes it is true…you do not have to have a great team to win. This has been proven over and over again in business and in sports. Talent and leadership certainly helps, but sometimes “lightning in a bottle,” right time, right place and the right circumstances do contribute to wins. Imagine with me for a…
What does good look like?
For the past two weeks I’ve been working with two executive teams that have been struggling in getting sustainable change with their people. Sound familiar? In one case it was determined to be the professional confidence in them to hold others accountable for behavior that would control the activity they needed to achieve results. The…
13 Reasons Why 2013 Will Be the Greatest Year Ever!
You will choose to make it so by living each day with more enthusiasm and zest for life. You will make 3 new friends who you have not even met yet. You will set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely goals for 2013. You will cross another item off of your bucket list of things…