Welcome to September — the end of summer and the beginning of football season. For millions of students, a new academic school year brings new learning, new friends, new opportunities, and new challenges. Although it is up to everyone individually to make the most out of what’s new, many of us resist new ideas or change. Rather, we enjoy the status quo and take comfort in what we currently know and the skills we have developed.
What if today I challenged you to raise the bar? In every area of life and with every skill or talent you have, go ahead and raise the bar. If you take this challenge seriously, what might happen in the next 30 days? My 30 day raise the bar challenge. Please reply and tell me your stories. Raise the bar with me!
Human relations principle – “Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely.” – Dale Carnegie
I wonder what would happen if we just took that principle and just raised the bar?
John Rodgers