The human side of life embraces all emotions and experiences — the good, the bad, and the ugly. This is what I am thinking in January 2016. During the past year, I read around ten biographies of great people from all walks of life: politicians, inventors, business executives, and sports coaches. I am reminded of a folkloric story told years ago about a Native American boy interacting with the tribal chief.
The chief was explaining life to the boy. He said in his youth he had two dogs; one was a good dog and the other a bad dog. The problem was every day when they were together they would fight. It seemed their battles were even, both dogs on different days would seem to get the upper hand. The chief went on to say, “So it is with life. All that is good is always waging war on that which is bad.” In desperation, the young boy asked, “Yes, but the dogs…which one finally won?” “Ah,” said the chief, “as with life, it depended on which one I chose to feed.”
The choices we make — good and bad — that influence our lives and others were certainly reinforced in the biographies I read, the individuals I have coached, and in my life as well. The challenge for 2016 is clear: Which dog will we choose to feed, and what will be the quality of the food?
Human relations principle of the week: “Don’t criticize, condemn, or complain.” ~ Dale Carnegie
John Rodgers